WIN 911

Notify the right person, at the right time, for faster alarm resolution

  • 18,000+ Installations Worldwide
  • Millions of Alarms Delivered Daily
  • 90% Fortune 50 Manufacturers
No longer limit to a geograh6hical location with Win 911 Mobile
  • Monitor detailed alarm event history
  • Acknowledge and monitor alarm conditions changes in real-time
  • Connect with the team to establish alarm resolution strategy
Key features
  • 1. Alarm organisation

    Flexibility in creating, managing and organising alarms monitored by Win-911

  • 2. Wide range of notification Options

    Ensuring accessibility by offering notification through text, email, in-plant PA, mobile app etc.

  • 3. Effortless deployment

    Reduce the hassle for initial set-up and on-going system maintenance with direct data integration with GE iFix and CIMPLICITY

  • 4. Simplify complex standards and protocols

    Configure alarms with a variety of notification features to comply with control network security standards.

  • 5. Improve internal communication

    Chats allow the team to acknowledge and take action collectively, reducing guesswork and redundant responses.

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